This is a Mediation and Arbitration Center managed by the Foundation of
Data Protection Professionals in India , a Section 8 company (www.fdppi.in) This Center specializes in the resolution of Disputes related to Data Protection Laws. |
About the Center
List of Registered Arbitrators
About DDMAC DDMAC or Data Disputes Mediation and Arbitration Center is a specialized ADR center managed by FDPPI, with the technology platform of ODRGLOBAL.In. Initially DDMAC will be taking up Mediation and later will add "With Recourse Arbitration" (Non Binding Arbitration). DDMAC would be using the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform of ODRGLOBAL.IN and professionals adequately trained to act as Mediators and Arbitrators. Those Mediators and Arbitrators who are already working on other ADR platforms would be invited to use the DDMAC platform and participate in the Disputes referred to DDMAC. The ODRGLOBAL platform is a unique platform that provides "Non Repudiable Virtual Arbitration" facility which will be used by DDMAC for arbitrations. Mediations will not use the feature of recording of the proceedings.